2013年1月6日 星期日


 昨天買Coriolanus (The Oxford Shakespeare) 這是學生教科書, 畫很多處, 特點是INTRODUCTION 有148頁
我打算重讀此劇  回去找希臘羅馬名人傳中的說法
想起哥德在談話錄中的看法: 現在人碰到的許多人物 可能遠勝於名人傳中的 所以它受到冷落.
莎士比亞讓Coriolanus 不朽
 Shakespeare, the greatest coiner of them all, also referred to the coining of language in Coriolanus, 1607:
"So shall my Lungs Coine words till their decay."
 Coriolanus (pronounced [korioˈlaːnus]) is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1605 and 1608. The play is based on the life of the legendary Roman leader Caius Marcius Coriolanus.

 The play opens in Rome shortly after the expulsion of the Tarquin kings. There are riots in progress, after stores of grain were withheld from ordinary citizens. The rioters are particularly angry at Caius Martius,[1] a brilliant Roman general whom they blame for the grain being taken away. The rioters encounter a patrician named Menenius Agrippa, as well as Caius Martius himself. Menenius tries to calm the rioters, while Martius is openly contemptuous, and says that the plebeians were not worthy of the grain because of their lack of military service. Two of the tribunes of Rome, Brutus and Sicinius, privately denounce Martius. He leaves Rome after news arrives that a Volscian army is in the field.
The commander of the Volscian army, Tullus Aufidius, has fought Martius on several occasions and considers him a blood enemy. The Roman army is commanded by Cominius, with Martius as his deputy. While Cominius takes his soldiers to meet Aufidius' army, Martius leads a rally against the Volscian city of Corioles. The siege of Corioles is initially unsuccessful, but Martius is able to force open the gates of the city, and the Romans conquer it. Even though he is exhausted from the fighting, Martius marches quickly to join Cominius and fight the other Volscian force. Martius and Aufidius meet in single combat, which only ends when Aufidius' own soldiers drag him away from the battle.
In recognition of his great courage, Cominius gives Caius Martius the cognomen of "Coriolanus". When they return to Rome, Coriolanus' mother Volumnia encourages her son to run for consul. Coriolanus is hesitant to do this, but he bows to his mother's wishes. He effortlessly wins the support of the Roman Senate, and seems at first to have won over the commoners as well. However, Brutus and Sicinius scheme to undo Coriolanus and whip up another riot in opposition to his becoming consul. Faced with this opposition, Coriolanus flies into a rage and rails against the concept of popular rule. He compares allowing plebeians to have power over the patricians to allowing "crows to peck the eagles". The two tribunes condemn Coriolanus as a traitor for his words, and order him to be banished. Coriolanus retorts that it is he who banishes Rome from his presence.
After being exiled from Rome, Coriolanus seeks out Aufidius in the Volscian capital of Antium, and offers to let Aufidius kill him in order to spite the country that banished him. Moved by his plight and honoured to fight alongside the great general, Aufidius and his superiors embrace Coriolanus, and allow him to lead a new assault on the city.
Rome, in its panic, tries desperately to persuade Coriolanus to halt his crusade for vengeance, but both Cominius and Menenius fail. Finally, Volumnia is sent to meet with her son, along with Coriolanus' wife Virgilia and child, and a chaste gentlewoman Valeria. Volumnia succeeds in dissuading her son from destroying Rome, and Corio
 他的朋友和同學是如何看待他這個愛社交的孩子呢?首先,他有頭腦,但顯然十分謙虛,所以沒有觸犯別人。此外,他不是一個「死用功的學生」,而且他說話尖刻並嗜好唇槍舌劍。很難預測人們會從他那裡得到贊辭還是攻擊。他臉皮很厚,受得了打罵,並予以回報,但他不能確定的朋友對他的感覺是什麼,他也羞於向他們公開自己的內心。有一陣子,他把科利奧蘭斯(Coriolanus)當作英雄,這個羅馬人太驕傲以致於不去奉承「暴民」。--- Models of My Life by Herbert A. Simon

溫溫地消遣對手Kerry的出爾反爾。人類真正逞舌動物。同樣,紐約時報最暢銷的一篇時論,是用莎士比亞的作品 亨利五世中的話來說:
As Shakespeare writes in "Henry V" about wars of choice:


"But if the cause be not good, the king himself hath a heavy reckoning to make when all those legs and arms and heads chopped off in a battle shall join together at the latter day and cry all 'We died at such and such a place,' some swearing, some crying for a surgeon, some upon their wives left poor behind them, some upon the debts they owe, some upon their children rawly left. I am afeared there are few die well that die in a battle."

威廉斯 可是,如果這不是師出有名,那麼國王頭上的這筆賬可有得他算了。打一場仗,有多多少少的腿、多多少少的胳膊、多多少少的頭要給砍下來;將來有一天,它們又結合在一起了,就會一齊高聲呼號:"我們死在這樣一個地方!"有的在咒天罵地,有的在喊叫軍醫,有的在哭他拋下了苦命的妻,有的高嚷他欠了人家的債還沒還,也有的一聲聲叫他摔手不管的孩子——我只怕死在戰場上的人很少有死得像個樣兒的!人家既然要流你的血,還能跟你講什麼慈悲?我說,如果這班人不得好死,那麼把他們領到死路上去的國王就是罪孽深重了。苦的是小百姓,他們要是違抗了君命,那就是違反了做百姓的名份。
【莎士比《亨利五世》4.1.128-134,朱生豪翻譯 http://www.dushu999.com/wg/s/shashibiya/hlws/004.htm

文末再用莎士比亞的《科利奧蘭納斯》(Coriolanus來勸誡總統:Unless Mr. Bush learns to see nuance and act less rashly, he will be the Coriolanus of our age: a strong and decisive leader, imbued with great talent and initially celebrated for his leadership in a crisis, who ultimately fails himself and his nation because of his rigidity, superficiality and arrogance.

(September 1, 2004 /OP-ED COLUMNIST /Crowning Prince George/By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF)


 科利奧蘭納斯 - 1
科利奧蘭納斯 第一幕 第一場 羅馬。街道 一群暴動的市民各持棍棒及其他武器上。 市民甲: 在我們繼續前進之前,先聽我說句話。 眾人: 說,說。 市民甲: 你們都下了決心,寧願死,不願挨餓嗎? ...
科利奧蘭納斯 - 2米尼涅斯: 我會告訴你的;只要你略微忍耐片刻,不要這麼性急,你就可以聽到肚子的回答。 市民甲: 你講話太不痛快。 米尼涅斯: 聽著,好朋友;這位莊嚴的肚子是很從容不迫的,不像攻擊他的人們那樣鹵莽輕率,他這樣回答:「不錯,我的全體的朋友們 ...
科利奧蘭納斯 - 3馬歇斯: 他們有一個領袖,塔勒斯·奧菲狄烏斯,你們就會知道他的厲害。我很嫉妒他的高貴的品格,倘然我不是我,我就希望我是他。 考密涅斯: 您曾經跟他交戰過。 馬歇斯: 要是整個世界分成兩半,互相廝殺,而他竟站在我這一方面,那麼我為了要跟他 ...
科利奧蘭納斯 - 4伏倫妮婭: 媳婦,你唱一支歌吧,或者讓你自己高興一點兒。倘然我的兒子是我的丈夫,我寧願他出外去爭取光榮,不願他貪戀著閨房中的兒女私情。當年,他還只是一個身體嬌嫩的孩子,我膝下還只有他這麼一個兒子,他的青春和美貌正吸引著眾人的注目,就在這種連 ...
科利奧蘭納斯 - 5馬歇斯: 有人帶消息來了;我可以打賭他們已經相遇了。 拉歇斯: 我用我的馬賭你的馬,他們還沒有相遇。 馬歇斯: 好,一言為定。 拉歇斯: 算數。 馬歇斯: 喂,我們的元帥有沒有跟敵人相遇? 使者: 他們已經彼此相望,可是還沒有交鋒 ...
科利奧蘭納斯 - 6考密涅斯: 弟兄們,休息一會兒;你們打得不錯。我們沒有失去羅馬人的精神,既不愚蠢地作無益的犧牲,在退卻的時候,也沒有露出懦怯的醜態。相信我,諸位,敵人一定還要向我們進攻。我們正在激戰的時候,可以斷斷續續地聽到從風裡傳來的我們友軍和敵人激戰的 ...
科利奧蘭納斯 - 7馬歇斯: 塔勒斯,過去三小時以內,我獨自在你們科利奧裡城裡奮戰,所向無敵;你看見我臉上所塗著的,不是我自己的血;你要是不服氣的話,快來跟我拚命吧。 奧菲狄烏斯: 即使你就是你們所誇耀的老祖宗赫克托自己,我今天也不放你活命。(二人交戰,若幹 ...
科利奧蘭納斯 - 8奧菲狄烏斯: 條件!把自己的運命聽任他人支配的一方,還會有什麼好條件!馬歇斯,我已經跟你交戰過五次了,五次我都被你打敗;要是我們相會的次數就像吃飯的次數一樣多,我相信你也會每次把我打敗的。天地為證,要是我再有機會當面看見他,不是我殺死他,就 ...
科利奧蘭納斯 - 9米尼涅斯: 我們的教士們見了你們這種荒唐的傢夥,也會忍不住把你們嘲笑。你們講得最中肯的時候,那些話也不值得你們揮動你們的鬍鬚;講到你們的鬍鬚,那麼還不配塞在一個拙劣的椅墊或是驢子的馱鞍裡。可是你們一定要說馬歇斯是驕傲的;按照最低的估計,他也 ...
科利奧蘭納斯 - 10米尼涅斯: 十萬個歡迎!我也想哭,也想笑;我的心又輕鬆又沉重。歡迎!誰要是不高興看見你,願咒詛咬嚙著他的心!你們是應當被羅馬所眷愛的三個人;可是憑著人類的忠心起誓,在我們的城市裡卻有幾棵老山楂樹,它們的口味是和你們不同的。可是歡迎,戰士們! ...

不到20小時 兩次碰到Coriolanus 所以記一下

一次是讀 Aesop Fable 的
Aesop's Fables - Google Books Result
by Aesop, Laura Gibbs - 2002 - Literary Collections - 306 pages
Fable 66 (Livy, History 2.32.9 = Perry 130) The Stomach and the Body Back when all the parts of the human body did not function in unison as is the case ...
注中提到這在Coriolanus 第一幕第一景 表現得很淋漓盡致

有些東西即使翻譯了 也不容易懂其音韻和內容之美 何況沒注釋

"....父親會在早餐桌上朗誦詩歌 也許出自 Manfred* 也許出自莎翁**的Coriolanus 兒子對於激昂言辭與高貴姿態的喜愛也許源自於這些詩歌....." (p.27) W.B.Yeats by Micheal Mac Liammoir and Eavan Boland
